Crafting plans for 2015

With 2015 already in its third month (I can’t quite believe that, where did January and February go?) it’s about time I start thinking about my sewing plans for this year. We’ve moved into our new home and life is slowly starting to get back to normal. I’ve even been sewing again! My new sewing room is great to work in. It’s huge with good natural light during the daytime and a lot of storage space. The latter I have to admit is currently still quite disorganised which can make it difficult to find what I need.

This year I am going to continue to make my own clothes, but I’m not going to stress about it. Not that I did that last year anyway.

In 2015 I’d like to challenge myself a bit more in the sewing department, try more new techniques, different fabrics and more complicated patterns than I did during 2014. This year also comes with more special occasions requiring special clothes, which could make things interesting.

Garment sewing

Complicated projects

• Cocktail dress to wear to a winter wedding. (Coming soon!)
• Complete those jeans! I really need a new pair… or two… or even three…
• Summer coat
• Party dress to wear to a summer wedding
• Dress to wear to my very own thesis defense
• Winter coat
• Classic tailored shirt for my boyfriend. Promised long ago, gorgeous fabric was bought long ago, it’s about time I get started…

Now that I’ve written these down it seems like this might be a bit too much for a single year, we’ll see how far I get. Especially since I am not particularly good at deadline sewing…

Easy in between projects

• Pyjama pants
• Cardigans
• T-shirts
• Casual skirts
• Knit dresses
• Alabama Chanin style top


I’ve not done a lot of crochet after finishing my scarf (that I am still wearing!). It turns out that granny squares aren’t really my kind of project. A real garment is what I’m now after. I still need some help with crochet as this is a skill that doesn’t come natural to me so I bought the “my first crochet cardigan” class from Craftsy, I also got the yarn kit that came with the class so that I don’t have to worry about getting the correct yarn for this project. I’ve already made a gauge swatch with the recommend hook size which turned out pretty but way too small. Apparently I crochet tight. I have ordered more crochet hooks in other sizes and will continue my crochet garment quest when those arrive (I’m hoping soon!).


• Finish that quilt that should have been finished way too long ago
• Couch quilt to snuggle under
• Pillows that match our, not yet ordered, new couch
• Try some art quilting to decorate the still empty walls of our new house (My boyfriend is going to freak out when he reads this…)

Did you make a plan this year for the things that you would like to make?


March 3, 2015

Emmely Treffers

About Emmely

I am a sewing enthusiast from the Netherlands. I live in the Leiden area with my husband and two daughters and I am currently working as a senior researcher in molecular virology. With my quilting patterns and sewing blog I want to infect as many people as possible with my love for sewing.

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  1. katechiconi

    As someone facing her own motivation/deadline problems right now, may I recommend you get really tough with yourself over the projects which have a deadline? All those ‘in between, easy’ projects are so alluring because they provide quick results, but what happens when you’re at the week before your thesis defence and you don’t have a finished outfit to wear? You have some really fun things to work on in the deadline area, so make us all proud of you, and show us a finished outfit soon!

    • Emmely

      The easy inbetween projects are things I also really need to replace the frumpier items in my wardrobe. I still need to look put together at work after all and cocktail dresses don’t really work in the lab…
      The first complicated garment is almost finished and I promise you it’s a good one!

      • katechiconi

        Great! Looking forward to seeing it.

  2. CurlsnSkirls

    Might I also suggest that you prioritize the deadline projects? Also, maybe decide which you reeeally must, rather than want, to accomplish?
    I do admire you for wanting to do more detailed projects! Have you read anything about the latest Great British Sewing Bee book? It sounds like something that might be of help & interest.
    Have decided this year against sewing to a list, which seems to be better for me just now. With the weather as crazy as it’s been, deciding on anything too much in advance wouldn’t be practical!
    Sooo lovely that you have your own sewing room, and with such great light! Long sigh… trying-not-to-be-too-envious del

    • Emmely

      One of the deadline projects is almost finished, so only 2 more to go! I’ll get started on one of the other ones soon. The sewing room was a very important requirement when we went house hunting (my boyfriend got an equally awesome study) When I’ve finished organizing my sewing room I’ll give a tour. I always find it interesting to see how other people organize theirs.

      • CurlsnSkirls

        Wonderful! Congratulations!
        Will look forward to your tour!

    • Emmely

      I sort of plan ahead, but for most of the projects I do not yet have a pattern or fabric selected, that keeps things interesting. 😉

  3. Anna

    Ohhhh, I am so looking forward to the winter wedding cocktail dress! My husband’s best friend gets married in October and any kind of inspiration would be really welcome.

    • Emmely

      That’s the garment I’ll be showing first!


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