To the president of the United States,
The current practice of the United States government of splitting up parents from their young children as they enter the United States to seek asylum is not ok. It is cruel and will result in a generation of traumatized children.
As a parent of a young child this practice breaks my heart. My child is scared of strangers, even when she can still see me. I cannot imagine how these young children in your country must currently feel, not knowing when and if they will be reunited with their parents.
Claiming that your political opponents force you to separate children from their parents is not ok. Your political opponents are not splitting up families, you are. You have the power to reunite them, you have the power to prevent this practice from happening again. You are like a boy on the playground saying that it’s not his fault that he hit all the girls in his class, the other boy didn’t want to let him play with his toy car, so clearly it is that boy’s fault? No, Mr. President, it is not.
If you know a cruel practice is going on in your country and you have the power to stop this practice, but instead you sit back and do nothing, you are negligent. History will judge your actions.
I may not have the power to reunite these families, but I do have a sewing machine, so I stitched my protest. I decided to start with Amnesty International’s slogan for their campaign against this cruel practice. Will you join me?
Apparently Trump has said that he is going to change the current practice, but it is still unclear how, and until all children are reunited with their families and no more new families are split up it remains important that people continue to voice their protest.
Have no fear that this blog will turn into some kind of political blog, the rest of my protests will from now on be stitched to my brand new Instagram account.
Thank you Emmely! There is a major march planned for June 30 in DC with satellite marches in other cities (one can only hope the practice stops before that). We fear the children are being held hostage so that funding the wall can be included in any congressional action to stop separating families. Meanwhile in Portland:
That stupid wall *sigh*. I’ll have a look at what’s being organized here. I’m infectiousstitches on Instagram as well.
What is your instagram username? I’d like to follow. I’m clairealex10