Completed: Daycare birthday treat

Sometimes I make things that do not contain any fabric, shocking right? My youngest daughter recently turned two years old and I made a treat she could take to daycare to share with the other children to celebrate. What they bring has to be healthy, a policy I fully endorse but a single box of raisins just doesn’t look so festive.

The past three birthdays I picked a nice children’s book and made something to decorate the raisins that fits in with the theme of the book. The children can enjoy their raisins and as a group they get a new book to read with the teachers.

This time I picked a book about a boy and an elephant that play hide-and-seek, David Barrow’s “Have you seen elephant?”. It’s very cute, the elephant is not particularly good a hiding as you can already tell from the front cover but the boy can’t find him at all. My daughter loves elephants and hide-and-seek, even though she doesn’t really get the rules yet. She still runs out of her hiding spot the moment you’re done counting, usually from behind the floor length living room curtains, but she has so much fun!

In Adobe Illustrator I drew a box with an elephant on one side to fold around the box of raisins. I am quite proud at how recognizable the elephant turned out! I had to omit the tusks though because whatever I tried they just looked ridiculously out of place.

Happy birthday little girl!

April 30, 2021

Emmely Treffers

About Emmely

I am a sewing enthusiast from the Netherlands. I live in the Leiden area with my husband and two daughters and I am currently working as a senior researcher in molecular virology. With my quilting patterns and sewing blog I want to infect as many people as possible with my love for sewing.

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  1. tialys

    What a lovely idea and your elephants look superb.
    Although they call it the ‘Terrible Twos’, I do think it’s a lovely age when their personality really starts to come through. Enjoy!!

    • Emmely

      Thank you! And oh, that personality started coming through ages ago. She has very strong opinions…

  2. Vanessa

    What a lovely idea! I teach 2s and this is thoughtful in so many ways!

  3. katechiconi

    Such a clever idea, and I bet a lot of the children hang onto their elephant boxes for tiny treasures.

    • Emmely

      Thank you! They might, I know several children took theirs home. I used 160 grams paper so they’re quite sturdy.

  4. marissthequilter

    I am so impressed with both your ingenuity and your industry. A beautiful idea beautifully made


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