Another fabric crown

Remember how I made a set of fabric crowns for my niece and oldest daughter? Now my youngest daughter has one too. She requested a blue one.

I made it during a nice afternoon crafting session with my oldest daughter. She made a bracelet from beads while I made the crown. She was very adamant that her sister’s crown should also feature a star like hers. Unfortunately, I am completely out of iron on star patches. I did, however, have this Alison Glass iron on patch that definitely features a star. And a safety pin. Quite a funny detail to put on a crown, but I’ll go with it.

The construction was basically the same as last time. The sequin colours that I used were matched to the colours on the iron on patch. The back of the crown is an Alison Glass print.

My daughter is very happy that she now has her own crown to wear. Not only because she wasn’t allowed to wear her sister’s, but also because this one actually fits her much smaller head.

Pictures come with complimentary peanut butter stains because my daughter already wore it to daycare before I could take pictures. Fortunately, I think it’s probably safe to wash these crowns…

September 18, 2021

Emmely Treffers

About Emmely

I am a sewing enthusiast from the Netherlands. I live in the Leiden area with my husband and two daughters and I am currently working as a senior researcher in molecular virology. With my quilting patterns and sewing blog I want to infect as many people as possible with my love for sewing.

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  1. katechiconi

    That star & safety pin patch makes it for me!

    • Emmely

      Yes, it’s a fun detail! Makes me smile everytime I see it.

  2. marissthequilter

    Gorgeous. I immediately noticed the safety pin and think it is a lovely detail.

    • Emmely

      Yes, it is!

    • Emmely

      Thank you!

  3. tialys

    These crowns look so cute and what a treat to make one for the littlest with the help of the biggest.

    • Emmely

      Yes, she was so excited to show her sister what we had made for her. It made everyone happy.


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