At the start of summer, I realized I needed to do something about my t-shirt situation. I had a lot of t-shirts that I’d been wearing for years and that were no longer in a super great condition. It was starting to feel as if I had nothing to wear because I no longer felt excited by what was in my wardrobe. Several of those t-shirts I’d made even before I started blogging. Time to get rid of the old and in with the new!

I took two of my favourite patterns, the scoop neck tee from Meg McElwee’s sewing with knits Craftsy course and Maria Denmark’s Kirsten Kimono Tee. The Kimono tee is a free pattern and I love it. I just make size S without any alterations and I am super happy with the fit (disclaimer: I downloaded the pattern in 2013, no idea if any changes have been made to it since then). The fabrics that I used were all from my stash (yes, my stash is probably too large… but it is so great when you can just shop in your own closet when you get the urge to sew something). Most cuts were not large enough to make the scoop neck, but for the kimono pattern I only need 75cm. I made 1 scoop neck tee and 3 kimono tees (and number 4 is still in the making, but is taking a bit longer because I’m adding some embellishments). The variety of colours and prints makes me happy.

I’ve been really bad about taking pictures though. So, you get two dress forms, a top half of me relaxing in my in-laws garden and two that were taken during our family vacation to Vlieland. Vlieland is one of the islands in the north of The Netherlands, can you tell it was windy? We had a great time on the beach. I even ventured out into the North Sea once which is usually much too cold for me! We also cycled through the beautiful nature on the island.

With the 2 kimono tees I made previously I now have plenty of options to choose from and no longer feel disappointed when I open my closet. The weather has been great this summer and I’ve not really needed to wear anything long sleeved in ages. So, basically, I am just wearing the same thing every day at the moment. The colour and print of the t-shirt just varies from day to day. And I am completely fine with that!

Prachtige shirts heb je gemaakt! De kleuren vind ik ook zo leuk.
Dank je! Ik word er helemaal blij van. Langzaam introduceer ik ook wat meer felle kleuren in wat ik draag. Het was lang veel donker en blauw.
Esther’s right, the colours are great! I particularly like the origami crane print. I think I’d wear more t-shirts if our climate was less tropical, but knit fabrics are just too hot and clingy in the heat and humidity of our summers. So I never really tried making t-shirts!
Loose and flowy is definitely better when it’s humid! I love the cranes too, they lie a bit on top of the blue fabric giving the fabric some texture too.
Oh I am so impressed with your industry and your beautiful kimono Tshirts.
Thank you! I’ve gotten really quick at making them now. 😉
Those are brilliant and you look so happy and carefree in the photos!
Thank you! We all got COVID-19 just before we were supposed to go on holiday so had to postpone until we had recovered and it was sooooooooooo nice to be able to go outside again and have fun.
Sorry to hear the family got COVID!
It wasn’t fun but we’ve all recovered now.