by Emmely | Dec 22, 2018 | Finished project, Gifts, Quilting
I finally finished the baby quilt for which I showed a completed back in May and started quilting in July… It’s a fairly simple design using squares cut from two ombre fabrics by V&Co and the Cookie cutters cinnamon Cotton + Steel print from Kim Kight’s...
by Emmely | Apr 13, 2016 | Finished project, Gifts, Quilting, Sewing
2016 will become the year of the quilt. I’ve already finished 2 quilts (to be fair, both were started before 2016) and I have 4 more in the making or planning stages. A while ago our family was extended with the birth of a cousin. Almost four years ago one of...
by Emmely | Mar 1, 2014 | Finished project, Gifts, Giveaway, Quilting
I finished my first quilt of 2014. It was made for the newborn son of one of my friends. She’s the first of my high school and university friends to have a baby so it was a very special occasion. I used Kate Spain’s Sunnyside collection for Moda. This fabric makes me...