by Emmely | Jun 29, 2014 | Finished project, RTW fast, Sewing
Yes, I actually finished the only item I listed as quite urgent in my wardrobe sewing plan. It’s probably been urgent for the last 5 years though. You won’t believe the state my old bathrobe is in, and I’m not going to show you because it would probably be held...
by Emmely | Jun 21, 2014 | Blogging, Giveaway, RTW fast, Sewing
The last time I bought a piece of clothing that wasn’t underwear or socks was June 8 2013, meaning that I haven’t bought any RTW for over a year now! This seems a good reason for some reflections and a little celebration! Was it difficult? No, not at all, but then, I...
by Emmely | Dec 21, 2013 | Finished project, Sewing, UFO busting
My thinking cap has returned and I managed to finish my Lady Skater dress while busting another UFO in the process. This dress started as Knipmode dress 12 from February 2011. It only needed hems but I wasn’t happy with how it looked. It was too large and the back...
by Emmely | Oct 15, 2013 | Finished project, UFO busting
I could have finished this top ages ago. I’m blaming shinier projects, unclear instructions, judgement errors and stupid mistakes. I even thought I had finished it about two weeks ago and just as I was almost ready to take some pictures I noticed this:I can assure...
by Emmely | Oct 6, 2013 | Finished project, UFO busting
I am in love with this cardigan, it is absolutely perfect in all of its imperfections. It is also completely out of my comfort zone. Who would have thought that I was going to wear an embroidered cardigan and love it? Not me, that’s for sure. I am a no-nonsense girl,...