Completed: a very scrappy improv quilt

Completed: a very scrappy improv quilt

After my daughter and I completed the tree quilt for her bedroom she wanted to continue sewing. Instead of trees we now made improv blocks to make a large scrappy improv quilt. She picked pieces of fabric from my scrap bin and told me how to piece them together. After...
MQG swap 2023

MQG swap 2023

Each year the Modern Quilt Guild organizes the MQG swap in which 2 participants are matched up to make a mini quilt for each other. Some people meet up at Quiltcon to exchange their quilts and others swap via regular mail. Since I didn’t go to Quiltcon, I opted for...
Completed: Marlin backpack

Completed: Marlin backpack

My oldest daughter wanted a new backpack. I made her one three years ago and while it is still in pretty good condition, she thought it was too small. Since I don’t just make bags whenever someone asks me to (not even if you are my child), I said she had to wait until...
Completed: Road Trip

Completed: Road Trip

Last year I participated in the first Dutch MQG round robin. The theme was connection and I almost immediately thought of roads. Roads connect A and B, but the journey to reach your destination also matters. So, I thought it would be fun to make a landscape quilt that...