Completed: a very scrappy improv quilt

Completed: a very scrappy improv quilt

After my daughter and I completed the tree quilt for her bedroom she wanted to continue sewing. Instead of trees we now made improv blocks to make a large scrappy improv quilt. She picked pieces of fabric from my scrap bin and told me how to piece them together. After...
Completed: Road Trip

Completed: Road Trip

Last year I participated in the first Dutch MQG round robin. The theme was connection and I almost immediately thought of roads. Roads connect A and B, but the journey to reach your destination also matters. So, I thought it would be fun to make a landscape quilt that...
Completed: Fractured Safari

Completed: Fractured Safari

A couple of weeks ago I had some uninterrupted time to myself because my children were staying with my parents for a couple of nights. I used some of that time to finally turn a quilt top into a quilt! The design was inspired by the “fractured” quilt from “Quilting...
Completed: Stitch & Flip for Lette

Completed: Stitch & Flip for Lette

Last year I made a quilt for my nephew and of course his little sister should get one too! I used the stitch and flip triangle technique from the book “Quilting modern” by Jacquie Gering and Katie Pederson. Each square got two triangles on opposite corners. I started...